[ Miracles ]
Counting on Her Faith
It was a regular work day when I woke up that morning. I got up alone, something I had not done in 27 years. My high school sweetheart and husband was gone.
His leaving after 27 years was hard for me to understand, but God was faithful through the heartache those several months. I'm sure that God was tired of the same words and tears every night when I would get in bed, but the Holy Spirit always would comfort me.
I was at work when I got a phone call from my banker and friend Wayne. Wayne and Frances gave me a job after hours at their home, cleaning house and anything else to make extra money. God sent them and I knew it!
Anyway, I was about eighteen miles from the town where Wayne was, so I told Wayne I didn't know if I could get off from work. ''You have to come!” he said.
“Okay,” I replied. “I will come on my lunch hour and take a little extra time if I need it.” I must admit, I did watch the clock until it was 11:00. Finally with butterflies in my stomach, I left for the bank. Everyone at the bank smiled as always and was so kind. They told Wayne that I had arrived and he called me right into his office.
We exchanged small talk. He wanted to know how my mother was and if she needed anything. Then the conversation switched to, “Well, Libba, I had quite an experience happen yesterday afternoon late and I wanted to tell you about it.” He went on. “I had a man come to see me and he had a $10,000 check made out to you!!”
“Me??” I said, with tears!
“He said that he felt that the Lord was telling him to give it to you.”
Since we both knew Wayne, the man thought that Wayne was where he should start. The only stipulation was that Wayne not tell me this man’s name.
Wayne and I both knew that I needed this miracle and God had sent His man to deliver. I thank God for this man of God that listens to his heart. God himself came into that bank on my behalf and blessed me beyond anything that I could ever have dreamed.
Libba P.
Walland, TN